Saturday, November 25, 2017
••• Journal Prompt••• What has been stressing me out lately? What circumstances are difficult to handle right now? Out of these circumstances, what was in my control? What was out of my control (hint: anything that anybody does is NOT in your control)? . . . #writing #words #writersofinstagram #thoughts #writerscommunity #creativewriting #stories #writers #diary #journaling #life #creative #journey #notebook #moleskine #love #journals
Friday, November 24, 2017
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Let’s be real: When we’re feeling discouraged, alone, anxious, or angry, it’s hard to be grateful. We know we’re supposed to feel grateful. It’s Thanksgiving-time after all. However, gratitude doesn’t always come easy sometimes we have to work at feeling grateful. But it’s a worthwhile practice. If you’re rolling your eyes at me thinking “easier said than done” know I’m with you. Today my challenge is to pick one tangible thing I’m grateful for (like the air in my lungs) and set reminders on my phone to give thanks. Who’s with me? . . . . . #thanksgiving #mentalhealth #grateful #realtalk #wedorecover #gratitude #allin #recovery #holiday
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
#TuesdaysTip - Talk about your feelings: Talking about your feelings can help you stay in good mental health and deal with times when you feel troubled. Talking about your feelings isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s part of taking charge of your wellbeing and doing what you can to stay healthy. Talking can be a way to cope with a problem you’ve been carrying around in your head for a while. Just being listened to can help you feel supported and less alone. And it works both ways. If you open up, it might encourage others to do the same.It’s not always easy to describe how you’re feeling. If you can’t think of one word, use lots. What does it feel like inside your head? What does it make you feel like doing? You don't need to sit your loved ones down for a big conversation about your wellbeing. Many people feel more comfortable when these conversations develop naturally - maybe when you're doing something together. If it feels awkward at first, give it time. Make talking about your feelings something that you do. . . . . #addiction #HoldTight #mentalhealth #sobriety #depression #mentalillness #anxiety #PTSD #health #mindfulness #bipolar #psychology #BellLetsTalk #mhsm #healing #counseling #trauma #traumawork #therapy #motivation #inspiration #healthy #fearless #freedom #goals #love #wedorecover #strength
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Today's Self-Care Suggestion: Scratch off a lurker on your to-do list, something that’s been there for ages and you'll never do. . . . #youareworthit #loveyourself #purpose #mindbodysoul #weekend #soul #inspiration #selfworth #positive #selflove #believeinyourself #mentalhealth #anxiety #nourish #wellness #selfcaresunday #healthandwellness #sunday #goals #lifecoach #growth #perspective #sundayvibes #lifestyle #instadaily #youareenough
Friday, November 17, 2017
Thursday, November 16, 2017
This is why I do my own therapy. The better you understand yourself and the way that you have developed, the better you'll be able to recognize, understand, and empathise with that in other people. We all have shit that we carry with us, and we can all learn from that and use it to help us deal with the shit that other people carry.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
“And they brought him to Jesus: and they cast their garments upon the colt, and they set Jesus thereon.” Luke 19:35 KJV . In this verse and in our verse of the week, (1 Peter 5:7) “casting is an intentional act to relocate an object.” In some versions of Luke 19:35, instead of cast the word throw is used. “Let this ‘throwing’ be your first response to bad news. As you sense anxiety welling up inside you, cast it in the direction of Christ. Do it specifically and immediately.” @MaxLucado #AnxiousForNothing . #P31OBS girls are “throwing” our anxieties to Jesus! Use an emoji sports ball in the comments to show that you are casting your cares on Him!
In a world and society that constantly encourage you to act, look, and be a certain way, it's so important to dance to your own tune and shine your own light into the world.✨ Today, remember that you have full permission to be YOU. . . . #emotionaleating #selfcare #ditchthescale #bingeeating #bingeeatingdisorder #bodyacceptance #manhattan #antidiet #diet #eatingdisorder #bodyimage #haes #loveyourbody #dieting #positivevibes #bodypositive #yoga #healthateverysize #effyourbeautystandards #empoweringwomen #bodypositivity #selflove #thatsdarling #wednesdaywisdom
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18⠀ ⠀ November is pretty well known as a season of thankfulness, especially as we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving. But what about the rest of the year? What about when we're dealing with divisive family arguments, or less than extraordinary financial circumstances?⠀ ⠀ This verse pretty clearly states God's will for us when it comes to being thankful. ALL circumstances. Not just the easy ones. Not just when we're 100% happy with our situation. We're to give thanks in EVERYTHING. Because even when we can't see God's plan through our human point of view, he is ALWAYS working things out for our good. And for that reason, we can give thanks in everything!⠀ ⠀ Devotion by @mrsalexaeby | Design by @maddybakes #VRSLY #madewithVRSLY #VRSLYdevotional . . . #blessed #instagood #pray #prayer #gratitude #healing #grace #beautiful #soul #inspiration #spirituality #life #wisdom #godisgood #courage #love #jesus #holy #trust #believe #christ #god #peace #truth #hope
Missing and feeling so grateful for Amanda tonight. Today was day two of my second Peer Recovery Specialist Training at Carilion Clinic and I can’t help but fill with gratitude for this clinician I worked with for 5.5 years. With her help I learned that my diagnoses are merely tools to be used to determine the best plan for recovery, that with willingness and openness and persistence I can do anything and that there is nothing shameful about needing help. 💜❤️ . . . . #HoldTight #mentalhealth #sobriety#depression #mentalillness #anxiety #PTSD #health #mindfulness #bipolar #psychology #BellLetsTalk #mhsm #healing #counseling #trauma #traumawork #therapy #motivation #inspiration #healthy #fearless #freedom l #goals #love #wedorecover
Sweet dreams lovelies. After years of hiding in the secret dark spaces of the heart’s past, the soul longs to be free. Dare to share your story, dare to release your soul from the shadows into the safety of the light. #SweetDreams #Hope #LoveAndBeLoved #SoulTruth #EDrecovery #NoMoreSoulsToED #CourageousGrace #LivingWithFierceGrace #GraceAndGuts #Recovery #GoodNight
Monday, November 13, 2017
#tbt to my very first mental health advocacy team!! This was the beginning of my career. I was the President of James Madison University’s chapter of Active Minds! @active_minds @nattykates . . . . #addiction #HoldTight #mentalhealth #sobriety #depression #mentalillness #anxiety #PTSD #health #mindfulness #bipolar #psychology #BellLetsTalk #mhsm #healing #depression #counseling #health #mentalhealth
Hey you, yeah you, it’s time to forgive yourself. It’s time. 💜👉 👈💜 . . . #goodvibes #magic #peace #mindful #peaceonearth #paradigmshift #love #lightworker #loveandlight #metaphysical #consciousness #awakening #happy #beautiful #soul #source #spiritual #meditation #hippie #universe #cosmos #zen #indigochild #oldsoul #ॐ
••• Journal Prompt••• What emotions am I experiencing currently? What emotions have been prominent in my life in the last few days? . . . #writing #words #writersofinstagram #thoughts #writerscommunity #creativewriting #stories #writers #diary #journaling #life #creative #journey #notebook #moleskine #love #journals
#edrecovery #ed #recovery #edwarrior #edfighter #edfamily #inpatient #strength #recoverycommunity #eatingdisorders #beated #ana #osfed #anorexia #bulimia #mh #depression #quotes #anxiety #awareness #advocacy #bingeeating #orthorexia #fighter #recovered #support #prorecovery #beatingeds
#repost @freedomwithnutrition We are human. Give each other grace! Also make sure to give yourselves grace! #wearehuman #giveyourselfgrace #bepatientwithyourself #bepatientwithothers #edrecovery #youareworthy #noshame #eatingdisorders #thestruggleisreal #yourpathtorecovery #allianceforEDA
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Sometimes I want the wounds to explain themselves ❤ #writer #writing #poetry #poet #poem #poems #lovequotes #writingcommunity #spilledink #poetrycommunity #writersofinstagram #poetsofinstagram #wordsmith #wordart #bleedink #typewriter #typography #typewriterseries #type #picoftheday #qotd #poetsofig
In a world that drives us to question our very existing, rebel! Engage in radical self love. Be brave, love yourself. No matter what. Always in all ways. Love changes everything. #RiseAndShine #Hope #LoveAndBeLoved #EDrecovery #SoulTruth #CourageousGrace #LoveAndBeLoved #NoMoreSoulsToED #LivingWithFierceGrace
Today's Self-Care Suggestion: Start a compliments file. Document the great things people say about you to read later. . . . #youareworthit #loveyourself #purpose #mindbodysoul #weekend #soul #inspiration #selfworth #positive #selflove #believeinyourself #mentalhealth #anxiety #nourish #wellness #selfcaresunday #healthandwellness #sunday #goals #lifecoach #growth #perspective #sundayvibes #lifestyle #instadaily #youareenough
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Friday, November 10, 2017
Thursday, November 9, 2017
How do we size up other people? What do we do to get ahead in this world? Many times, we judge by the way we dress, talk, carry ourselves. Do we have the right accent? Did we come from an exclusive school? People look at the model of our cellphone, the brand on our bags and T-shirts. Is it a designer label? Is the real thing or imitation? They check out the kind of car we drive and where we park it for the night--in an exclusive neighborhood, in a classy condominium? We live in a world of sham and show, sell and tell. Keeping up can be tiresome, time-consuming and expensive. And what we project can be far from what we really are inside. However, God who created you sees you, knows you and everything about you. That God loves the whole you. No tear has ever been hidden from him. No hurtful word said to you has ever passed that he missed. No abuse has ever occurred that he didn’t see and grieve with you. He sees it all. “God never overlooks a single sparrow. And he pays even greater attention to you, down to the last detail – even numbering the hairs on your head!” (Luke 12:6-7 MSG). The greatest gift of love anyone can ever receive is attention. When you give people your time, you give them your life. When you pay attention to someone and look them in the eye, you are saying, “You matter to me. You are valuable.” #worthy #faith #jesus #love #God
Monday, November 6, 2017
| Recovery & The Gym | This evening after work I met Eric at the gym for a GRIT strength training class. I was nervous. I did the cardio versions of this class a few weeks ago and it was TOUGH. This evening I definitely wanted to be there, however, I felt my anxiety increase 5 minutes into the class as my inner critic grew LOUD. •• Inner Critic: you are going to slow, gosh you’re so pitiful. Everyone in here thinks you’re weak... •• It didn’t take but a five minutes for myself to begin sliding down the slippery slopes of judgement and shame - and it was PAINFUL. After our class finished the workout I nearly sprinted to the door leaving Eric behind. My skin felt tight and my critic was still going at it. Eric noticed almost immediately that “something was off” while another part of me desperately wanted to shut down and hide, but we sat and chatted for a few moments anyway - about work, and things coming up later this week. It wasn’t until later this evening did I reflect on how much of my identity felt wrapped up in my performance at the gym this evening. It only took me five minutes from feeling good to being filled with self disgust. What’s up with that?? I began thinking about how much my body and performance as a dancer used to truly define me and give (and take) my sense of value and worth to & from me. Those parts that still held on to those beliefs resurfaced in my class this morning as though they had never subsided at all.. I’m going to go back to GRIT, because my eating disorder NOT going to control me anymore. I’m going to go again, not only with the physical challenge of the class but with a determination to work through my inner critic shouting in my ear and focus on each present (and exhausting) moment. Healthy exercise is a goal I have, because my body was created to MOVE through this world, and rather than avoiding the uncomfortable parts that showed up tonight- I’m going to get to know them, so even if they are there - I’m less affected by them. #Recovery #eatingdisorder #eatingdisorderrecovery #workout #health
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