Monday, August 13, 2012

We All Need Inspiration

Days like today usually start like any other.

Wake up. Brush teeth. Eat Breakfast...... Sometimes a dark cloud hangs from the second my eyes open, other days I'm trucking along and out of nowhere I've hit a wall and am flung flat on my back.

No one ever told me recovery was going to be easy. No one ever told me it was going to be fun. I fact everyone said this (in some form or another): "It will be the hardest thing you will ever do... and absolutely worth it."

On hard days - pure grit and drive to recover are not always enough. On hard days It becomes ever so clear so I cannot do this alone.

Thank goodness I don't have to.

I have so much inspiration for my recovery.

First, I am inspired by the girls and guys I have met in the various treatment settings I've been in. I'm inspired by their courage to continue - and their willingness to support me (and others) when a hard day or situation creeps in. Those people understand me better than anyone here on this earth. It's almost like we speak a secret language: instantly calming, powerful, strong and heart-felt.
         My best friend Natalie and I make this deal "You pray for me and I'll pray for you." -- Those prayers are so comforting and always help me get through even the toughest days that seem to never end.
         A fellow Roanoke Dance Alumni, Lauren Gross & I talk each other down (sometimes through texting during the day) to deal with moments of anxiety, or bumps in the road - always reminding each other we're not alone.
Next, I am inspired by who I might become - just keep pushing, keep getting better, keep moving forward. I think about my family a lot in this regard - and all that they have done for me. I think about the hard work, the good days and the bad days, the impact I can make, or want to make. The people I love. The future inspires me.

Finally, I am incredibly inspired to be healthy by my faith - and what God has done for me - and what He might do through me.

Some days I like so many other wake up with a cloud - that eventually fades.
And during that time I need Inspiration

These people and things INSPIRE me to stand.

What inspires you?

1 comment:

  1. When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing -- then we truly live life. ~ Greg Anderson

    When I was anorexic the disease had taken all those things away from me. I thought I was worthless and incapable of accomplishing my goals, dreaming about the future, or being loved. Now that I am in recovery my life is entirely different. I spend my days dreaming about where I will be in 10 years and all the lives that I will impact on the way. I have so many goals that I cannot wait to accomplish and new goals to set. And I realize that I am loveable for who I am on the inside and no one will ever be able to take that away from me again.

    Recovery is truly amazing. I spent many years struggling like you described but as time went on my struggles became less and less. Then life took over and I didn't have time to think about exercise and food. It really is a boring existence to be entrapped by the disease. Once you are free from it you appreciate so many things that others just take for granted. A beautiful day is to be cherished because there was a point in my life I wasn't sure I would wake up to see tomorrow.

    Keep Fighting!! It is so worth it.
