Wednesday, October 31, 2012

You are Enough.

Life is full of uncertainties. It's full of fears. Life is spontaneity and is constantly changing.

And it's easy to forget: You are Enough.

I forgot this these past three days it seems, as I have been hiding in my room, questioning what and why I am doing what I am doing - and tonight as I sat soaking in the warm tub with candles lit around me, I breathed deeply, praying to God to remind me of who I am aside from who I think I should be, aside from where I think I should be in my life, and aside from who I want to be.

And I was reminded.... I am Enough. - just like this.

Because the truth is: I am Enough. Just as I am, with my past, my present, and whatever my future may hold. I am Enough.

And you are too.

It's simple truths like these that keep us healthy, and remind us what we want to be.

I Stand for the truth that we are Enough.

Monday, October 29, 2012

October 27, 2012 pictures from the process

11:00 am - In Studio Rehearsal at Valley Dance Productions

Erin leads warm up -- just like old times:) 

Barlow Girl "Mirror Mirror"

Anthem of a Seventeen year old Girl. 

Wild Horses

Junior Company Modern 

Group HUG:)

Best Friend time -- We can do this!!!! 

6:30 pm - Doors Open at Andrew Lewis


7:00 pm - Showtime! 

The speakers and my best fiends :) We did it!

After the finale pictures -- On October 27, 2012 - We Stand for HOPE!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Orgin

When I'm in Roanoke - I'm usually with one of two people, Lori Ann Dowd, my best friend since fourth grade, or Lebron Johanna Parsell, the little girl I've babysat since she was just 3 months old. Those are my people. 

Where I Stand is big. It's a big event. It's a big idea. It's a big deal - and as much as I'm going to try to convince myself that it is not so "BIG" in the days to come to calm my nerves - let's face it - it is.

Have you ever wondered how it came to be? Well, reflecting back on it's very beginnings always reminds me who I am, where I am from, and definitely What I Stand For. 

I was fresh out of and intensive treatment program, taking time off of school, frustrated with my life and feeling misunderstood. My best friend Lori Ann and I were on our way to target - what we were buying I could not tell you, but in that 20 min car ride a movement began.

It began in a rant - we do this thing... if one of us is upset we just let the other talk and talk and talk - let out the poison, no judgement, no criticizing, and no bringing it up ever again. "Why does no one ever talk about anything real?" "Why do I feel this way?" "Why does everyone pretend to be fine"....

In treatment all you do is talk about who you are, what bothers you and what excites you, what went wrong and what helps you go right. The transition is hard, for anyone.

On my ipod "Here's Where I Stand" by Tiffany Taylor came on - and it hit me - that it was my choice to stand up and say what I need to say, or do what I needed to do, and the conversation turned.

We began talking about how one person inspires the next, and how thoughts and ideas spread - be it positive or negative - before we knew it, we had talked through Where I Stand.... and then it began.

Lori has been better than any best friend I could have hoped for. She's made it so I've never had to stand alone. We've always stood up and through various life trials and issues - together - be it family drama, school drama, relationships, moving places - or my eating disorder.

We stand for spreading hope through ideas and love through actions. 

Where We Stand.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Valley Dance Productions: What do you Stand For?

Leslie Arthur Studio Owner of Valley Dance Productions.
"I Stand for Kindness"

Over the past week Leslie Arthur - studio owner of Valley Dance Productions, asked some of her students "What Do you Stand For?" to reiterate the message of the event "Where I Stand" to her students. We encouraged them to fight for something they believe in, use their words to spread encouragement and love, and and be advocates for standing up for something that they believe in.

Here is what they said:

On October 27th these ladies will dance for these very things - to help inspire others to stand up and believe in hope, in loving others and loving yourself..... Valley Dance Productions is ready to stand and dance. Are you?

Come Stand with these inspiring ladies:
Andrew Lewis Middle School, Auditorium
616 South College Avenue
Salem, Virginia

Saturday October 27th 2012 @ 7pm and Stand!

Tickets $10
For more information email:

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Speaking at North Cross School

I am so thrilled to announce that I will be speaking at North Cross School in Roanoke Virginia on October 15th 2012. I will be speaking about eating disorder awareness, sharing my story, and encouraging the students of North Cross to Stand for HOPE! 

I cannot wait to meet the awesome students at North Cross :) Get excited - I know I am!!! 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Lauren Hearne Stands for her Family, Friends and Community

No one can do it alone. No one can Stand alone. No one can walk alone. It's true we're in this together.
On October 27th Lauren Hearne, a sophomore psychology major at Mary Washington will Stand and speak out as a supporter, a friend, and an individual who's life. She's never had the thoughts in her brain - but she's walked with someone who has, and will speak out the hope and encouragement that comes with recovery and how she takes care of herself along the way. has been indirectly affected by an eating disorder. 

One of her favorite little reminders in times of struggle with food and mood she says, very kindly, "Who's talking right now - is it you - or is it your eating disorder? I'd like to speak with you please." She also believes in Hugs. Lots of Hugs.

Come Stand with Lauren On October 27th at 7pm at Andrew Lewis Middle School - Stand for your friends, your family, Stand for prevention, Stand for life.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Natalie Ball Stands for Awareness and Hope

Where I Stand is not about one person, it's not about two or three. It's about a community, it's about an idea, it's about doing something good, no something great.

On October 27th, Natalie Ball will stand and speak to spread awareness, education and hope for the treatment of eating disorders at Where I Stand. When I asked her today what this event meant to her, she said: "I’m no stranger to the difficulties associated with mental illness, so that me makes passionate about speaking out." She hopes that this event helps give others that might need help the courage to ask for it. "Eating disorders are complex" she says, "with many causes and factors... but there is hope in prevention and early intervention." And make no mistake that for those things we must speak.

Natalie says she's excited currently about speaking - but will probably get nervous right before the event! She's a Senior at JMU studying Psychology. 

She finished with "I cannot wait to stand with others for something so important, so meaningful."

Come Stand with Natalie, other speakers, the Freed Foundation and dancers from around Virginia to raise awareness, education and funds for the treatment of eating disorders on October 27th at 7pm.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Why is "Where I Stand" Important - Interviews

Everyone knows I'm passionate about this event. Now it's time for me to show all of you what I have been encouraged by, excited by and blown away by over these past few months. The passion and excitement, and   the "How can I help?" attitude that our community has responded to this event with is incredible.

Starting this week - I will be interviewing dancers, speakers, studio owners, community members, mental health professionals, teachers and the like - and you will see for yourself why "Where I Stand" is important.

It's October everyone... Spread Hope.

Do you want to be interviewed? Email Erin at