Wednesday, August 22, 2012


When trapped in darkness it's hard to see.
When swallowed by pain it's hard to hear.
When paralyzed by fear it's hard to believe in.


On this journey to find wellness, recovery, and stability - my hope has at times increased, and then diminished.

Sometimes my hope  attaches to what others believe for me.
My hope rests in my faith in Jesus.
My hope is learned through past experiences, trials and temptations conquered.

In the midst of one of my darkest moments, fearful I won't make it to the other side - HOPE that the pain will  pass, and light will come again - keeps me breathing.


Hold. On. Pain. Ends.

Pain will never end permanently. We all have our trials, our temptations, or difficulties in life - and some of my biggest ones take the shape of mental illness. I've felt much pain, and I will again. But Hope that despite that pain (and in some cases because of it) I have and will continue to grow and learn and love more - makes it even just the smallest bit easier.



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