Thursday, September 6, 2012


Recovery does not move from point A to point B to point C to D as in Done.


Recovery goes up and down, left and right, sideways, backwards, forwards and then up and around. Yep. Recovery is anything but a straight line.

....Just like life. Because - Recovery is about living your life - and there is no clear-cut-for-sure answer on how to do it.

It's more of a learn-as-you-go, trail and error, this is hard - but worth it, kind of thing.

It's hard.

But once I accepted that maybe there is not a "D as in Done". Once I realized that I couldn't check this off one of the many lists I love to make, I began to learn how to live in the midst of this, I began to learn to make my environment conducive to my recovery, I learned tools.... and began to live.

It isn't perfect. Life's not perfect.

Our journeys have many twists, turns, mountains and valleys... but it's not about waiting for it to be over.... it's about getting stronger along the way.

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